One must have love and respect for one's own country,religion,literature,
family,culture,nationality for all in the same way.They love and respect to their country,their religion,their literature,their family,their culture and their nationality.
There are different kinds of countries,races,thoughts, religions,such as Chinese/China,Indian/India, Burmese/Burma,English/England, Japanese/ Japan,American/U.S.A and Hindu,Buddhist,Christian, Muslim.But the essential factor is not races,religions,positions,etc.
Mental attitude,honesty,diligence, character,unity,patience, justice,optimism ,forgiveness,love,mercy, sacrifice,humility,moral ethics,etc are more important above all. One must be able to one self analyze.Each and every one of us should follow and
live according to the teachings of one's own religion.The one who does not respect another's culture and religion does not respect his own.The one who respects another's culture and religion respects his own.
All the teachings concerning culture,thoughts,beliefs and practices are valuable in their own ways.The important factor is that the follower of the concerned religion must follow the teachings sincerely.Although I,my self a Buddhist,I obey the teachings and doctrine of Lord Buddha,I appreciate the teachings of other religions and the appreciation of other nationalities and their culture are all noble and valuable in their own way.
There can not be 100% similarities among religions,nationalities,any opinions,cultures,
philosophies,skin hues,mental attitudes,sex,language, polical,social origin,property,visions,of people in the World.There would be more beneficence from performance of seeing with love and sympathetic mind(with optimistic view) for a particular thing rather than blaming or extreme criticize(with a pessimistic view) in contrast to others.
The English culture is best for the English,while the Burmese culture is good for the Burmese.The Indian culture is also best for the Indian people,while the Chinese culture is good for the Chinese people.Likewise,Christians must obey the teachings of the Bible,Buddhists must obey the teaching of Buddhism,Hindus must obey the teachings of the Hinduism and Muslims must obey the teachings of Quran.
The lost years of Jesus concerns the undocumented timespan between Jesus's childhood and the beginning of his ministry as recorded in the New Testament.
The gospels have accounts of events surrounding Jesus' birth, and the subsequent flight into Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod (Gospel of Matthew 2:13-23). There is a general reference to the settlement of Joseph and Mary, along with the young Jesus, at Nazareth (Matthew 2:23; Gospel of Luke 2:39-40). There also is that isolated account of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus' visit to the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, when Jesus was twelve years old (Luke 2:41-50).
Following that episode, there is a blank space in the record that covers eighteen years in the life of Christ (from age 12 to 30). Other than the generic allusion that Jesus advanced in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52), the Bible gives nothing more about Jesus' life during this time span. A common assumption amongst Christians is that Jesus simply lived in Nazareth during that period, but there are various accounts that present other scenarios, including travels to India.
Several authors have claimed to have found proof of the existence of manuscripts in India and Tibet that support the belief that Christ was in India during this time in his life. Others cite legends in a number of places in the region that Jesus passed that way in ancient times. The Jesus in India manuscript was first reported in modern times by Nicolas Notovitch (1894). Subsequently several other authors have written on the subject, including the religious leader Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (founder of Ahmadiyya movement) (1899), Levi H. Dowling (1908), Swami Abhedananda (1922), Nicholas Roerich (1923–1928), Mathilde Ludendorff (1930), Elizabeth Clare Prophet (founder of Ascended Master Teachings New Age group) (1956) and more recently Holger Kersten in his book Jesus Lived in India (1981).
Gruber and Kersten (1995) claim that Buddhism had a substantial influence on the life and teachings of Jesus. They claim that Jesus was influenced by the teachings and practices of Therapeutae, described by the authors as teachers of the Buddhist Theravada school then living in Judaea. They assert that Jesus lived the life of a Buddhist and taught Buddhist ideals to his disciples; their work follows in the footsteps of the Oxford New Testament scholar Barnett Hillman Streeter, who established as early as the 1930s that the moral teaching of the Buddha has four remarkable resemblances to the Sermon on the Mount."
Some scholars believe that Jesus may have been inspired by the Buddhist religion and that the Gospel of Thomas and many Nag Hammadi texts reflect this possible influence. Books such as The Gnostic Gospels and Beyond Belief: the Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels and The Original Jesus by Gruber and Kersten discuss these theories.
The Buddha Dharma Education Association lists on its website a Timeline of Tibetan Buddhist History. According to their historians, Buddhism begins to enter Southern Tibet about 150 years after Jesus' Passion, or c200 C.E. Buddhist scriptures begin to influence Northern Tibet several decades later.
Please visit following these websites: teenageJesus.html SHIVABALAYOGI-HisWords_JESUS_ BUDDHA.htm obidos/ASIN/1569751692/ reversespins-20 obidos/ASIN/0960285016/ reversespins-20#reader_ 0960285016 Zen/Was_Jesus_Buddhist.html meditation_practice.html Lost_years_of_Jesus
If you interest in Buddhism, you can believe!
Thank you for your time!
Buddhism is the Best religion! The Lord Buddha is the Greatest teacher of human and Gods!
There are different kinds of countries,races,thoughts,
Mental attitude,honesty,diligence,
live according to the teachings of one's own religion.The one who does not respect another's culture and religion does not respect his own.The one who respects another's culture and religion respects his own.
All the teachings concerning culture,thoughts,beliefs and practices are valuable in their own ways.The important factor is that the follower of the concerned religion must follow the teachings sincerely.Although I,my self a Buddhist,I obey the teachings and doctrine of Lord Buddha,I appreciate the teachings of other religions and the appreciation of other nationalities and their culture are all noble and valuable in their own way.
There can not be 100% similarities among religions,nationalities,any opinions,cultures,
philosophies,skin hues,mental attitudes,sex,language,
The English culture is best for the English,while the Burmese culture is good for the Burmese.The Indian culture is also best for the Indian people,while the Chinese culture is good for the Chinese people.Likewise,Christians must obey the teachings of the Bible,Buddhists must obey the teaching of Buddhism,Hindus must obey the teachings of the Hinduism and Muslims must obey the teachings of Quran.
The lost years of Jesus concerns the undocumented timespan between Jesus's childhood and the beginning of his ministry as recorded in the New Testament.
The gospels have accounts of events surrounding Jesus' birth, and the subsequent flight into Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod (Gospel of Matthew 2:13-23). There is a general reference to the settlement of Joseph and Mary, along with the young Jesus, at Nazareth (Matthew 2:23; Gospel of Luke 2:39-40). There also is that isolated account of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus' visit to the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, when Jesus was twelve years old (Luke 2:41-50).
Following that episode, there is a blank space in the record that covers eighteen years in the life of Christ (from age 12 to 30). Other than the generic allusion that Jesus advanced in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52), the Bible gives nothing more about Jesus' life during this time span. A common assumption amongst Christians is that Jesus simply lived in Nazareth during that period, but there are various accounts that present other scenarios, including travels to India.
Several authors have claimed to have found proof of the existence of manuscripts in India and Tibet that support the belief that Christ was in India during this time in his life. Others cite legends in a number of places in the region that Jesus passed that way in ancient times. The Jesus in India manuscript was first reported in modern times by Nicolas Notovitch (1894). Subsequently several other authors have written on the subject, including the religious leader Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (founder of Ahmadiyya movement) (1899), Levi H. Dowling (1908), Swami Abhedananda (1922), Nicholas Roerich (1923–1928), Mathilde Ludendorff (1930), Elizabeth Clare Prophet (founder of Ascended Master Teachings New Age group) (1956) and more recently Holger Kersten in his book Jesus Lived in India (1981).
Gruber and Kersten (1995) claim that Buddhism had a substantial influence on the life and teachings of Jesus. They claim that Jesus was influenced by the teachings and practices of Therapeutae, described by the authors as teachers of the Buddhist Theravada school then living in Judaea. They assert that Jesus lived the life of a Buddhist and taught Buddhist ideals to his disciples; their work follows in the footsteps of the Oxford New Testament scholar Barnett Hillman Streeter, who established as early as the 1930s that the moral teaching of the Buddha has four remarkable resemblances to the Sermon on the Mount."
Some scholars believe that Jesus may have been inspired by the Buddhist religion and that the Gospel of Thomas and many Nag Hammadi texts reflect this possible influence. Books such as The Gnostic Gospels and Beyond Belief: the Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels and The Original Jesus by Gruber and Kersten discuss these theories.
The Buddha Dharma Education Association lists on its website a Timeline of Tibetan Buddhist History. According to their historians, Buddhism begins to enter Southern Tibet about 150 years after Jesus' Passion, or c200 C.E. Buddhist scriptures begin to influence Northern Tibet several decades later.
Please visit following these websites:
If you interest in Buddhism, you can believe!
Thank you for your time!
Buddhism is the Best religion! The Lord Buddha is the Greatest teacher of human and Gods!